201 research outputs found

    Happy Children: Parenthood empowerment and development

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    A strong and solid parent-child relationship may well be the fundamental basis for the child’s healthy personality development. Within thePerson Centered Approach, parenting styles marked by worth conditions, may have an important conditioning role in the child’s personality development, or in the development of the child’s self. Relationship patterns and parenting styles are alsothe means of transmitting children personal, social and universal values, taking an important part in their moral development, whilst these orient and guide the child’s own values. The study’s main purpose is to investigate the existing relations between values, and parenting styles in a convenient Portuguese sample of 112 mothers and 128 fathers from the Lisbon metropolitan area. A better comprehension of the relation between these two variables in family framework, will hopefully contribute to increase the knowledge of the core concepts: worth conditions, unconditional positive regard and the child’s self development

    Psicodrama: raiz moreniana e centrado na pessoa

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    Com este trabalho pretendemos efectuar uma reflexão sobre as semelhanças e diferenças entre o Modelo de Psicodrama Moreniano e o Psicodrama Centrado na Pessoa desenvolvido por Hipólito (2000). Esta justifica-se pela pertinência que este instrumento comporta quer pelo seu valor como meio psicoterapêutico, quer como modo de formar mais eficazmente profissionais em várias áreas de actividade. Revisitaremos as influências históricas e filosóficas, as bases teóricas e o desenvolvimento na prática destas duas abordagens ao psicodrama. Para o efeito, foram efectuadas leituras da bibliografia pertinente e uma entrevista com Hipólito (comunicação pessoal, Março, 2010

    Psychometric evaluation of the french version of the children’s chronotype questionnaire: sleep habits and academic performance of native and immigrant children in Luxembourg

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    This paper examined the psychometric properties of the French version of the Children’s Chronotype Questionnaire (CCTQ) attending two elementary schools in Luxembourg (n = 172; ages 4–11 years, M = 8.0, SD = 2.1) of either Portuguese (n = 11), Luxembourgian (n = 147), or other (n = 15) ethnicity. Parents completed the CCTQ, from which we used two chronotype scales (i.e. midsleep point on free days; MSF, multi-item morningness/eveningness; M/E). Results indicated satisfactory internal consistency for M/E scale (α = .70), with high intercorrelation scores (r = .91 between items; r = .87 between scales). As hypothesized, the chronotype of morning and evening type children were different (p= .017, η2 = .06), with the former having an earlier MSF (M = 5:29 h) compared with the latter (M = 5:48 h). The evening group showing the poorest outcomes for the qualitative grades (2014/2015: F(7.308) = 2.34, p = .002; 2015/2016: F(7.996) = 2.46, p = .001). No significant differences in MSFc were found between natives and immigrants. The results indicate that the French version of the CCTQ has adequate reliability and validity for research studies. Evaluating chronotype and sleep behaviors in preschool and school-age children is important, as both may have a negative impact on academic performance

    Para uma pedagogia do sucesso escolar

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    Há algum tempo, em reunião com os responsáveis dos diferentes departamentos da nossa Universidade, o nosso Magnífico Reitor lembrava a importância de motivar os alunos para o sucesso escolar, sobretudo nos primeiros tempos de permanência na nossa instituição, reduzindo ao mesmo tempo o número de abandonos por desencorajamento

    Efficient Operations at Intermodal Terminals Using a Multi-agent System

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    Trabalho apresentado em 12th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2016, Guimarães, Portugal, 2016info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Neste trabalho é apresentado uma metodologia empregada na análise da estabilidade de uma rede local GPS, bem como os resultados, conclusões e recomendações obtidas. A região em estudo está localizada no litoral paranaense, entre os municípios de Matinhos e Pontal do Paraná. A rede implantada para realizar os testes é composta por 18 estações, sendo: 2 estações base materializadas em locais externos à região passiva de deformações e 16 estações relativas compostas de marcos e RRNN existentes na região em estudo. Foram realizadas duas campanhas GPS intercaladas de aproximadamente 6 meses. As 2 estações base PR01 e PR02 foram posicionadas em função da estação PARA, pertencente a RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo), e as estações relativas foram posicionadas em relação a essas duas estações bases. Na fase de processamento, as estações de referência foram processadas e ajustadas com o programa BERNESE 4.0 e as estações relativas com o programa o GEONAP-K. Os respectivos ajustamentos das duas campanhas foram analisados estatisticamente, visando a detecção de possíveis erros embutidos nas observações. Posteriormente, através do processo dos mínimos quadrados foram estimados os deslocamentos das estações relativas, e a partir de testes estatísticos adequados, foram verificadas as significâncias destes deslocamentos. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos com as características geológicas da região em estudo. An Analysis of a Local GPS Network Located in the Paranaense Seashore Abstract This work presents a methodology applied to an analysis of the stability of a GPS local network, as well as the results, conclusions end regards. The region of experiment is placed at the coast of Paraná State, souther part of Brazil. A network, set in order to carry out the experiments, has 18 relative stations, being: 2 base stations framed in points out side of a region where land deformations could occur and 16 relative stations consisted to geodetic and banchmarks points which exist in that region. Two GPS campaings were carried out, and separated for a 6 month term aproximately. Both base stations, PR01 and PR02, were set with connection to PARA station which belongs to the RBMC (Brazilian Network of Continuous Monitoring), and the relative stations were positioned in connection to the both base stations. The BERNESE software 4.0 was used to carry the adjustament and processing of data obtained with the reference stations, whereas software GEONAP-K was used to process the data coming from relative stations. The adjustament for the GPS campaings were statisticaly analised, to detect likely blunder that could be inherent to observations made. The least square method was subsequently used to estimate displacements occured in the relative stations, When assessing their magnitude by using statistical tests. So the results could be compared to geological features of the experiment region

    Análise de estabilidade de uma rede local GPS situada no litoral paranaense

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    Orientadores: Anselmo Chaves Neto, Claudia Pereira Krueger, Carlos Roberto SoaresDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: Neste trabalho é apresentado uma metodologia empregada na análise da estabilidade de uma rede local GPS, bem como os resultados, conclusões e recomendações obtidas. A região em estudo está localizada no litoral paranaense, entre os municípios de Matinhos e Pontal do Paraná. A rede implantada para realizar os testes é composta por 18 estações, sendo: 2 estações base materializadas em locais externos à região passiva de deformações e 16 estações relativas compostas de marcos e RRNN existentes na região em estudo. Foram realizadas duas campanhas GPS intercaladas de aproximadamente 6 meses. As 2 estações base PR01 e PR02 foram posicionadas em função da estação PARA, pertencente a RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo), e as estações relativas foram posicionadas em relação a essas duas estações bases. Na fase de processamento, as estações de referência foram processadas e ajustadas com o programa BERNESE 4.0 e as estações relativas com o programa o GEONAP-K. Os respectivos ajustamentos das duas campanhas foram analisados estatisticamente, visando a detecção de possíveis erros embutidos nas observações. Posteriormente, através do processo dos mínimos quadrados foram estimados os deslocamentos das estações relativas, e a partir de testes estatísticos adequados, foram verificadas as significâncias destes deslocamentos. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos com as características geológicas da região em estudo.Abstract: This work presents a methodology applied to analysis of the stability of a GPS local network, as well as the results, conclusions and regards. The region of experiment is placed at the coast os State of Paraná, south of Brazil. A network, set in order to carry out the experiments, has 18 relative stations, being: 2 base stations framed in points out side of a region where land deformations could occur and 16 relative stations consisted to geodetic and banchmarks points which exist in that region. Two GPS campaings were carried out, separated by a 6 months term aproximately, each other. The both base stations, PR01 and PR02, were set with connection to PARA station which belongs to the RBMC (Brazilian Network of Continuous Monitoring), and the relative stations were positioned in connection to the both base stations. The BERNESE software 4.0 was used to carry the adjustament and processing of data obtained with the reference stations, whereas software GEONAP-K was used to process the data coming from relative stations. The adjustament for the GPS campaings were statistical analised, to detect likely blunder that could be inherent to observations made. The least squares method was subsequently used to estimate displacements occured in the relative stations, assessing their magnitude by using statistical tests. So the results could be compared with geological features of the region of experiment

    Parenting styles and child´s stress a parent-child analyses

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    Relation patterns adopted by parents in raising their children, defining consequently the family emotional climate were parental behaviors occur (Baumrind, 1971, Darling & Steinberg, 2002

    Attachment orientations, emotion goals, and emotion regulation

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    While research has linked attachment to emotion regulation (ER), little is known about associations between attachment and what individuals want to feel (i.e., emotion goals), something that has been found to influence ER strategy choice. In this study, we examined the links between attachment, emotion goals, and emotion regulation. A total of 605 participants from the community were included. They filled out self-report scales on attachment, emotion goals, and ER strategies. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Direct effects showed a link between attachment avoidance and fewer pro-hedonic goals, more suppression and fewer emotion communication, and between attachment anxiety and fewer pro-hedonic goals, more pro-social, performance, and impression management goals, and more suppression and rumination. Indirect effects showed that attachment avoidance was associated with less emotion communication and positive reappraisal and more suppression through fewer pro-hedonic goals. Attachment anxiety was associated with more rumination and more suppression through fewer impression management goals; attachment anxiety was also associated with more suppression through fewer pro-hedonic goals and more performance goals. These findings highlight the role of attachment as an important antecedent of emotion goals.4317-C2CF-53B0 | Rute Sofia Ribeiro Brites Diasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio